Getting Rid of Cheap Fillers
What is a filler?
When it comes to processed foods in particular, the terms "fillers" and “bulking agents” have a bad rap, and for good reason. Historically food and beverage manufacturers developed these additives to improve their products. So too do they enhance taste, texture, volume, and preservation, but with the primary goal often being to keep costs down. Their presence in our food and drink is now ubiquitous to the point of being the main ingredients in, and drivers of new product development.
In this post, we delve into the role of commonly used fillers and highlight why we at DRINKE have chosen to use Coconut Water Powder (CWP), otherwise referred to as “Nature’s Electrolyte” as the base for our water enhancers instead of cheaper, low-quality alternatives.
Common Types of Fillers and Bulking Agents
You may have spotted ingredients such as Maltodextrin, Dextrose, and Silicon Dioxide when scanning products on the shelf. These are just a few examples of commonly used fillers used in powdered products, each performing various functions but at a potential cost to our health. Improving mouthfeel, adding sweetness, and in the case of Silicon Dioxide, delivering free-flowing properties and improved dissolvability, these can be tempting to use for sure!
Thankfully though we now have the science to quantify the downstream ill effects of consuming these highly processed ingredients making it an easy choice to steer clear of them.
Natures alternative
Enter Coconut Water Powder! A total game-changer when it comes to natural fillers. Our product DRINKE uses Coconut Water Powder in our Water Enhancers because unlike the usual bulking and free-flowing agents, coconut water powder does double duty as a nutrient-rich natural electrolyte, adding to the goal of keeping you healthy and hydrated throughout the day.
All-Natural Essence
So! Coconut water powder brings one of nature's ‘Superfoods’ to the table, boosting the overall profile of our product without resorting to any synthetic or low-quality ‘stuffers’. And by going with coconut water powder, it has to be about quality over quantity which means we keep our ingredient list clean and natural and steer well clear of common fillers that would mess with the nutritional goodness of DRINKE.
Our commitment to you is to provide a product that tastes amazing, brings that “gotta drink” quality, taste, and health to your daily water intake and lines up with the values of health-conscious people like us.
Drinke x
Cover image: Drinke
Internal image: via pinterest